Ever Growing - Never Old

Director's Corner

Director’s Corner

Who says that summer is a quiet time at the Senior Center? July and August have generally been slower for us, but this year our schedule will be ramping up with an array of program choices. We have two live performances, the first is of the famous Hedy Lamarr, and the other is about Abigail Adams. There will be a fun class with a wildflower felted hoop craft as well as a country music program with a barbequed chicken lunch.  There are also a couple outings that you might like such as a boat cruise and the Lundin Club. The café will also be offering a Lobster roll on July 9th, but you must sign up ahead.

Over the summer the Lifelong Learning Committee will be meeting to develop some courses for the fall. We are excited to be including some added members to the committee with fresh ideas!

Many of you may have noticed or participated in the Age Friendly survey mentioned in the June Link.  The survey was available on line and also hard copies at various town locations. The survey was developed with feedback from the Age Friendly Focus Groups held in April along with the Age Friendly Sub Committee and the UMass Gerontology Institute. The results from the survey will help to shape the “Age and Dementia Friendly Action Plan” which we hope to complete in September – stay tuned!

The Tax Work-Off Program is filled and we will no longer be accepting applications for 2024. Thank you to all those that applied.

We will also be working on our CPC project to make improvements to the “Park” and the ballfields. We hope to get this work underway late summer. Once completed there will be some new amenities for all to enjoy.

Thank you again to the High School's “We are Marshfield Project”, the students, adult volunteer supervisors and staff for the clean up day at the Senior Center and several homes in town. It was a wonderful and productive day that we greatly appreciate. Please take a look at the great pictures on our cover of this event!

Looking forward to seeing you over the summer,  

Carol Hamilton